Tag Archives: news

And The U.S. Accuses N. Korea Of Saber-Rattling?

The United States government and its complicit media always chalk N. Korean threats up to saber rattling or “bellicose rhetoric“. Yet, the United States themselves is involved in nearly the same exact behavior, on N. Korea’s front door.

One the one side of their mouth, the U.S. government says that all North Korea’s talk is all bluster, and there isn’t much to be worried about. Out of the other side of their mouth, they say they are taking the threat very seriously.
It looks like we are all being spun in circles to keep us occupied, while World War 3 gets closer and closer.
Declaration: North Korea's young leader Kim Jong Un pictured on Thursday this week. The rogue state announced today that it is at war with the South I’m not really sure which way this N. Korea nuclear situation is going to go, but it isn’t looking good so far. Kim Jong Un recently rescinded the 1953 armistice between the two Koreas, readied his troops, and declared the war back on. The south of course, responded in kind; not a sign of peace or progress.
The U.S. and South Korea have been holding joint military drills, with nuclear armed bombers along N. Korea’s border. If that isn’t saber rattling, it’s at the very least provoking the N. Korean government.
The United States Navy is now in the process of moving a radar platform closer to N. Korea. This will only provoke the DPRK even further, and could possibly escalate this entire, stupid mess into a shooting war, again.
We shouldn’t be too eager to see this escalate, North Korea is a nuclear armed nation, after all. No matter who “wins” a nuclear war, the results are devastating to the civilian population. Just ask the Japanese.

Syria rebels and regime blame each other for 1st alleged chemical weapons attack – CBS News

Is this going to be the casus belli for the invasion of Syria? The provocations of Assad have been ongoing for quite some time and show no signs of relenting.
The Syrian government is blaming the first chemical attack on the foreign backed rebels, and the rebels are pointing the finger at the Assad regime.

Syrian state media accused rebels of firing a chemical weapon for the first time on Tuesday in the north of the country, killing at least 15 people in the war-torn Aleppo province. Rebels quickly denied the report and accused regime forces of firing a chemical weapon on a long-range missile.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we see boots on the ground in Syria in just a short time. The U.S. and Israel seem to be itching for a fight in Syria as a pretext for war with Iran. With this news announcement of chemical weapon use (no matter who used them) we could very well see foreign intervention in Syria very soon.

Newspaper Uses Photoshop To Make Syria Look Even Worse Somehow

Newspaper Uses Photoshop To Make Syria Look Even Worse Somehow
Newspaper Uses Photoshop To Make Syria Look Even Worse Somehow

ZOMG! They are using the same tricks that the Ancient Romans used! I realize this may make some angry, and others may feel ambivalent about it. It is depressing to me personally that TPTB seem not only unwilling to learn from history, they seem to make it their goal to forcibly and deliberately repeat it!
I don’t know that I even care about it anymore. The media has been tarnished and blemished for quite some time so is it such a shock to see them up to their old tricks?
Once you decide the media is manipulating our minds by telling us who we should hate, you begin to (as I did, and continue to do) ask the verboten question: “Why? Who benefits?”